Monday, March 30, 2020

Web Novel: Dream Love (Chapter 1 pt. 6)

original image found here

And another one.

06:31:52 AM
11 June 2021
Nathan's Place

Ashley decided to stay at his place for the night. He was such a gentleman, he slept on the couch and let her sleep on his bed. She was actually looking forward to cuddling with him but this guy surprises her every day. Some men will take this opportunity to "score" but Nathan is one special guy. She thought of asking him to sleep next to him but got cold feet. He really was different from any guy she has ever met.

Since she slept here last night, she made sure that everything is made up once she gets out of bed. It was a huge bed but she barely moved around it. She was curled up in a ball on the left side of it. She fluffed the pillows, arranged the sheets and folded the blanket that she used.

After fixing the bed, she walked towards the living area wearing his shirt and boxers. It is a good thing that she always bring disposable underwear for emergency. This wasn't an emergency but thank goodness she was always ready for almost anything. She paced towards the living room to wake Nathan up.

"Good morning sleepy head, let's cook breakfast together," she kissed his forehead.
"Good morning sunshine, did you get a good night sleep?" he asked rubbing his eyes.
"I did, how about you? This looks uncomfortable," she frowned.

Nathan stands 6 feet tall and was curled up in his sofa that looks like it's just half of his height while Ashley is a mere 5'3" girl in a double bed. She felt like the bed was eating her up because of how petite she was.

"Am fine, don't worry about me," he then stood up and started stretching.
"OMG! You're topless," Ash looked away.
"Haha. There's no need to be scared babe, I sleep like this all of the time," he replied while folding the blanket that was covering him earlier.
"Could you please put a shirt on?"
"Sure thing babe," then he embraced her and kissed her on the cheek.

They looked like a married couple already, cooking side by side while sharing jokes. This was everything a person would love to have when they are in a relationship.

Nathan tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, kissed her head and whispered, "I could get used to this every day of my life."

She felt a shiver down her spine, those words were surreal. She could get used to moments like this too. It was just like being married to the man of her dreams. It was too good to be true.

"Hey, you still with me?" Nathan held her face with both hands.
"Did I just zone out?"
"You almost spilled coffee all over the counter, you ok?"
"Am fine, I just, are you even real Nathan?"
"You touch me, you feel me and you even kissed me. How real could that even be?"
"This all seemed too good to be true—"

Shutting her up with a peck on her lips, Nathan brushed her hair with his fingers.

"This is real, we are real and what we have is real. Don't be afraid ok?" he gave her a reassuring smile.
"You really do have a way with words, don't you?" she embraced him as tight as she can.

They enjoyed breakfast together. It was one of the firsts in their relationship and they cannot wait to add more to their list of memories.

07:51:02 AM

"Babe, I think I should start preparing for our trip. I need to go back to my apartment to shower and change my clothes," Ash said.

This was unusual for Nathan but he went quiet. Went to his room, rummaged a bit in his closet and approached her with three paper bags.

"I have been going to the mall every now and then to prepare this and I hope that I did a good job,"
"What are these?" she said, puzzled.

Pulling out everything in the bags, she was surprised to see.

"You bought me clothes?"
"I wasn't planning on letting you leave the house right away. I know that you will be staying here and so that we will leave for the park together, I bought you clothes so that you'll prep up here, in my house, with me,"

Well that explains everything. This was a well thought plan and she wasn't even a part of the process. This was another side to Nathan is quite new to her, he adores being with her and will do whatever it takes to be with her longer. It was such a sweet gesture and quite surprising.

Seeing everything in the bag, she was in awe because Nathan was able to pick out clothes that she would actually wear. A comfortable pair of jeans with a cozy knit sweater and a pair of sneakers that even has hearts on them. He really made sure that what he bought will be put into good use.

While waiting for Ashley to finish with her shower, Nathan laid all of her clothes on the bed. He actually washed these beforehand so that they will be ready for her to wear. He isn't used to doing this for a girl but Ash is different, she is special, she is his ultimate dream girl.

09:01:15 AM

All dressed up and ready to go, Ashley called Nathan's attention so that they can go to the amusement park while it's early to avoid traffic. They will be using her car because it is safer that way. They need to refill her car for the long ride.

As she exit the door of Nathan's room.

"Babe, let's go. Am ready," she was flabbergasted.
"Don't I look cure in this sweater?" he smiled.

He was wearing an identical sweater as hers. Actually, everything that he has on was almost identical to hers, his whole outfit, except for the shoes that he was wearing.

"Awwwwwww, a couple's outfit. You are such the cutest," she pinched his face and kissed his nose.
"I just want to make the message clear that I am Ashley's man and no other's,"
"How many more surprises do you have in store for me Mr. Brookes?"
"I don't have anything else planned, do you?" he smirked.
"Well, if that is so, then let's go spend the day at the amusement park,"

Holding her hand, they strode towards the door and off they went to the park to enjoy.

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