Wednesday, August 22, 2018

UPDATE POST: I just turned 30 and I liked it!

photo courtesy of my bro

Happy birthday to me!

Another year was added to my life last Sunday, August 19, and I couldn't be any happier. I know that being older makes you think of more responsibilities, you are old, getting wrinkles and saggy skin but it is more than that. You gain more wisdom and you get to add more experience in your resume for life. I know that many years have passed and I have been through a lot that I am getting used to almost everything that is happening.

I am so thankful for having to celebrate this day with my family. Although we smell like grilled meat after, still we had fun and enjoyed the experience. It may not be the extravagant party that I was planning, and I wasn't able to have the photo shoot that I wanted, being with my family is more than enough.

When I was born, the doctor told my mum that I won't live long because I was born with a rare skin condition. Ichthyosis, which meant that I was born with scaly and dry skin. I wasn't able to close my eyes and they opted to put a make-shift sunglasses made off gauze and tape so that my eyes won't dry up from the light in the nursery room. I was lucky, to be alive and to be thriving. I learned to embrace this condition and accept the fact that I am alive and my Ichthyosis won't get in the way of me living my life to the fullest.

I would like to say my thank yous to the people who meant a lot to me:

To my parents: Thank you for making this mermaid swim (even though I can’t in real life) on her own. I have grown so much. Learned so much. Experienced enough to stand and earn my human feet and I have both of you, mum and dad, to thank for always guiding me. I know that who I really am was a huge surprise but you loved me more nonetheless. I love you so much!

To my brothers: Thank you for always being ready to help me out even in the simplest of things. We may quarrel a lot but I know that we love each other. Thank you and I am happy to have brothers like you. I love you both!

To my friends: Thank you for sharing this journey with me. Thank you for always being there to pull my hair when I am getting too stupid at times. Thank you for all of the advice and memories that we’ve shared. I’ve made all of you my brothers and sisters and I wouldn't have asked for more. I love you all!

To my girlfriend: I love you so much hun. Thank you for coming into my life in the most random way possible. I never thought that i will find someone as awesome as you. Thank you for making me happy and for picking me up in the dumps when I felt like I was useless. Thank you for always making me feel that I am beautiful. Thank you for existing in my life. I love you!

Lastly, God, thank You for giving me another year to serve You and be one with Your family. May I be a role model to Your children as a servant. I am hoping and praying that may people see the indigence that serving You is giving and that many may join Your church.

Happy birthday to the August celebrants and may you be blessed with good health and wisdom.

“It’s Not Whether You Get Knocked Down, It’s Whether You Get Up.”
— Vince Lombardi

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