Monday, November 26, 2012

It's Bebi's 1 year and 1 month Birthday

Happy 13th month birthday Bebi!

It has been almost 5 months since my cat died, Bebi. It was his 1st birthday last month and now he is 13 months old. I miss him so much. We weren't able to celebrate his 1st birthday. I am still wishing that he never died. I miss everything about him.

Bebi likes to eat bread and meat. He is a slacker cat. He sleeps a lot. He loves to be cuddled but doesn't like other people touching him. He is a jealous type of cat. Whenever other people touch any one of from our family he will get mad. He is such the sweetest cat ever. No one could ever replace him, he is my precious one.

Happy birthday to our dearest Bebi. We love you baby and we miss you so much!

Thank you so much for reading this loves, God bless you.

Stay fab!


  1. awwww. too bad he died at a young age. :(( When our pets die, I cry and mourn 'cause they're family. Hope he's in a safe and happy place now! :"3

    Rae :3

    1. i sure hope he is,
      i can still hear his bell ringing
      in my room.
      i miss him so much.

  2. Great blog dear, follow you now!


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