Thursday, March 12, 2015

How To with Tips and Tricks

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I searched for tips and tricks on how to look slimmer in photos because I really need to know how. 

I want to look slimmer in photos especially when taking OOTD shots. I never tend to understand why most of the fashion bloggers that I follow look so cool in photos and when I take mine I look like a huge sack of rice. Since we are into searching the random things online, I decided to look for tips on how to look sexier in photos without using editing and filters.

pardon the faces

i. Experiment with your selfies.
Take a lot of selfies and look for the best one. This will help you find what is your best angle. After you determine what looks best then use that angle whenever you are taking selfies or your OOTD pose.

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ii. Put your hand on your waist.
Never press your hands on your body because it it will make you look bigger than you are. I always do that because I am not aware of what it looks like until I look at the final photo. If you can, do the pageant pose which is putting your hand on your waist which will accentuate it and make it look smaller too.

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iii. Cross your ankles.
This is especially true when sitting in a skirt or dress. By crossing your legs at the ankle instead of knee, you’ll never expose too much thigh and will look leaner. Also it will give you a fluid-like figure and it will definitely give you shape, thus looking slimmer.

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iv. Pull your shoulders back.
By doing this you will look proud and confident. It will also make you look polished and professional.

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v. The Chin.
As per Tyra Banks, the longer the neck, the taller you are. By sticking your chin up & out will give the illusion of a leaner face. It is also a sign of confidence.

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vi. Wear darker clothes.
It says that wearing black, or darker colored clothes, gives an illusion of a slimmer body and it does. It depends on the shape of the clothes and the fabric too. If you can wear a belt you it will definitely help cinch the waist.

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vii. Pose in an angle.
Now that you already know your best angle, use that to your advantage and twist your body in that direction too. You can also do the over the shoulder pose but make sure to use your best angle.

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viii. Straight up.
If you are sitting down or standing, keep your body upright. Whenever you slouch or hunch it will make you appear bigger and timid. Be proud and keep your head up.

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ix. No low angles.
I was under the impression that if you shoot a photo from a lower angle it will make you look taller but I was wrong. You either do a straight on shot or with you looking up to the camera to appear slimmer.

photo found here

x. Experiment with poses.
Check magazines or online to see what angles will make you look slimmer. Make a test shoot and see what works for you the best. The more comfortable you are the better. You should also have variation with the poses too.

I hope that these tips will help you in your next OOTD shoot. I will definitely keep these in mind so that I can achieve a slimmer silhouette without doing any diet plans. Still, I would want you to know that you are beautiful no matter what size you are. Be proud, brave and confident.

Thank you so much for the love, God bless all of you!

"I'd rather be overweight and curvy than super thin with no curves. I'm proud of my body."
— Holly Madison

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