Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My Countdown to Christmas: Day 8 & 9

(image from WeHeartIt)

I skipped another day of my countdown but no worries, I am here to post another one.

As the song says, "it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" and it is true. In our house, we are invaded with a lot of Santa Clauses and some Christmas characters as well. In today's countdown post, I will be showing you the ornaments and decorations that my mum got addicted to buying. She had a bargain for some of the decorations so she went crazy shopping for them.

At first, she bought two hanging Santa Clauses for our garage. They are both hanging there so that everybody could see. I only took a photo of one because I was too excited to make this post.

(excuse the flying bicycle. :D)

We also have a Santa Clause wreath to welcome our guests. We hung him on the screen door. He is so cute.

Next are these Santa Clauses inside the house. They are mainly found in our living room. I love how they are hanging from our ceiling. It is like he really came down to send us presents.

We also have him sitting down holding something random. There is one holding a bird house and two of 'em holding a basket. Can you guess what is inside the baskets?

Here is another one that is standing up. He is holding a sign saying Merry Christmas.

Lastly are these three hanging ornaments. They are supposed to be placed on the door knob but my mum decided to just hang it on the door itself.

That is our happy Christmas ornaments. What ornaments and decorations do you have at home? Thanks for reading this loves. God bless all of you.

Stay fab!

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